ĆĄtvrtok 9. mĂĄja 2019

Celine Dion Sony Music New York May 9,2019

 Best Day At Work Ever. đŸ€© Celine Dion graced us with her presence today. The international team isn’t exactly sure how we’ll ever come down from this high. She’s such a treasure. 👾 đŸŽ€đŸŽ¶ INTERNATIONAL PEOPLE đŸŽ€đŸŽ¶

 What if i told you I had a casual dance off with @celinedion at work today? What if I told you she did the 'heel & toe' in what appeared to be $34,000 shoes? What if I told you she then hugged me after I called her by her full government name and had a small convo about how Brooklyn loves her and that I know every word to all her songs? Would you believe me? Cool if you don't. @celinedion hit my line, we gang now. @columbiarecords taking over for the 99 and the 2000s ya hurddd. 

Thanks you to the legend her self miss @celinedion thanks you I know it happen so fast but really thanks you for stopping. #CelineDion #myhartwillgoon #Titanic #MusicArtis #ColombiaHouse 

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