nedeľa 14. januára 2018

René Angelil 1942-2016

It has been a 2 year since today  René left us (January 14,2016). 💔 He built so much more than a successful team and fans from all around the world. He built a family and created a show that goes on. René we are moved by your way of life and your love for people. You will always be our champion! #AlwaysLoved #ForeverMissed #RenéAngélil #CélineDion
“I understood that my career was in a way his masterpiece, his song, his symphony.The idea of leaving it unfinished would have hurt him terribly.I realized that if he ever left us, I would have to continue without him, for him.” Céline Dion

René arrives. He enters the room. Softly. Discreetly. He walks slowly, soundlessly. And yet, we see only him. In an instant, his presence completely changes the ambience. The mood becomes calm. Time stands still.He shakes hands with every person there.  Those whom he knows well, he hugs. He kisses them. Men and women alike. Without ever rushing through any sign of affection. Because he needs this as well. Just as much.He does not look above or past people. He looks right into them. Right in their eyes. And his look is deeply perceptive. It plumbs the sincerity of who you are. You should also have a sincere, open look in your eyes. To maintain that gaze with the same sincerity. With the same intelligence.

René is an observer. A card player. He analyzes. He knows that every detail counts. He figures out all the hidden games. A man of great emotions, with a poker face.
René does not demand respect. He does better – he offers it. Because the most respected man in show business is the one who most respects others. His genius is in thinking of everything, without forgetting a single person.

Then he asks you how you’re doing, in his paternal voice. His faint voice, which speaks loudly enough to inspire. He does not ask solely out of politeness. He asks sincerely, for real. And if you had not been feeling well, you already feel better.

The simple presence of René in a room makes everyone there feel more important. This is because the simple fact of his presence reminds us that the important thing is being together. This is what emanates from him. Family is the most important thing. People are important.

Never has one love counted for as much in someone’s life as the love René has for Céline. And the love Céline has for René. The lover is no longer with us. The love, however, is forever here. In her. In their children. In everything her man loved. His love is everywhere.

René arrives. René arrives in heaven. An eternal leader, he has gone to check out the other side, to see if everything is all right. And if it isn’t, it will be when we meet him again, that’s for sure.
Thank you for everything, René.
Stéphane Laporte

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