nedeľa 5. júna 2016

Jerry Lewis, Celine Dion and the ‘A-flat’ moment at Caesars June 1,2016

Celine Dion and Jerry Lewis on Wednesday, June 1, 2016, at Caesars Palace.

Absinthe” at Caesars and J-Lo at Axis theater have been the others.
When the elegant woman in the white dress knelt next to the man seated in the armchair, he smiled and said, “I sing, too.”
Then he sang: “Aaaaaaah!”
“That’s an A-flat!” Jerry Lewis said.
“Yes, it is!” replied Celine Dion.

How does this happen? Because once in a while I mention a show to Lewis and he says, “Let’s go!” So, we go — like six weeks later. It takes a while to coordinate all of this, but we have had a lovely time watching all this great entertainment, and Lewis was thrilled to catch up with Celine just before she heads overseas for a series of shows in Paris. As Lewis says of France, “That’s my room.”

That trip, which includes appearances in Belgium, Montreal and Quebec, begins after Saturday’s performance. Celine told Lewis she was impressed that he was still hitting the scene on occasion, at age 90, at which he replied, “Of course!” She also recalled the time he introduced her on the MDA Labor Day Telethon.

“You did not introduce me as ‘Celine,’ ” she said. “It was, ‘Dion!’ Nobody introduces me with my last name. Only you. I’ll never forget it.”

Lewis laughed, and later remembered Celine appearing twice on the telethon. At the end of the chat, he told her, “Anything you want, let me know, and I’ll do it.” The two then smiled for a few photos, and Lewis, with his wife, Sam, and daughter Danielle, took in the show.

His thoughts? “Jesus! What pipes!” was said more than once. “Unbelievable.” Near the end, as Celine sang, “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” to close the show, he just put his hands to his face and looked skyward.

As the legend in the crowd said of the legend onstage, “I hope people realize what they’ve just seen. She is amazing.”

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